In the Wood of the World  

Self-release (2017)
Nordic Notes, Germany (2018)
Kijtto Music, Japan (2018)

Ilmamõtsan CD + digital

Signed album, artwork by Kaarel Vahtramäe. Printed on FSC & recycled paper.

12.00 €

Ilmamõtsan digital

7.00 €

See also Across the Seven Seas

See also Across the Seven Seas Live

See also The Forest Brother Game

See also Ngadei!

1. Keelega-meelega

With Tongue and Heart

Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Mari Kalkun

Läbi merede me läheme
Läbi valgete lainete
Verevate õhtute
Läbi kuue kevade
Seitsme ootamise silmavee
Kaheksama kannatuse
Aga armastus ei vähene
Aga armastus ei vähene

Uma keelen, uma-uma keelen
Taha Sullõ kõnõlda
Et uma meelen, uma-uma meelen
Ma Sinno hoia:

Mõts. Imä . Maa. Esä.
Uma. Uma. Tii. Miis.
Kodo. Maa. Päiv. Päiv.
Lats. Ilo. Suu. Taivas.

Hää hüvä meelega,
Kavvõndale jõvvat!
Uma keelen, uma-uma keelen
Taha Sullõ kõnõlda
Et uma meelen, uma-uma meelen
Ma Sinno hoia.

Elomeren, elo-elomeren
Kats üte puu venet.
Mu veren, mino-mino veren,
Su verekene.

Across the seas we travel
through white waves,
through blood-red evenings,
through six springs,
through the tears of awaiting the seventh,
through the suffering of the eighth,
but the love doesn’t wane
but the love doesn’t wane.

In my own language, in this tongue of mine,
I want to tell you
that I carry you in my heart:

Forest. Mother. Land.Father.
My own. My own. Road. Husband. Home. Land. Sun. Day. Child. Joy. Fen. Sky.

With a tongue,
with a good and merry heart
you will go further.
In my own language, in this tongue of mine,
I want to tell you
that I carry you
in my heart.

On life’s sea, on this sea of life,
two logboats from one tree.
In my blood, in this blood of mine
your blood so dear.

2. Ngadei!


Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Juri Vella
Translation: Arvo Valton

Muutuksin ma vihmapiisaks,
Et siis särada su ripsmeil.
Muutuksin ma lumehelbeks,
Et siis lebada su kasukkrael,
Kartes puudutada sooja kaela,
Aga põdrarakendil kui lendad
Ja kui lumeväli sulle laulu laulab,
Tahaksin ma olla naeratus su näol.

If I could become a raindrop,
to then glitter on your eyelashes.
If I could become a snowflake,
to then sit on your fur coat’s collar,
fearing to touch your warm neck,
But when you fly on the reindeer sleigh
and the snow field sings you a song,
I would like to be the smile on your face.

3. Süda tuksub

The Heart Beats

Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Mari Kalkun

Üle merede
Läbi murede
Läbi ilmade
Tulen su juurde
Kannan Sind kaasas

Mu süda tuksub Sinule
Kus ka ei viibiks ma

Kui mitu
elu mahub
Kui mitu

Mu süda tuksub sinule
Kus ka ei viibiks ma

Across the seas
Through the sorrows
Through the cold of autumn
I will come to you
I will carry you with me

My heart beats for you
no matter where I am

How many
lives fit
into me?
How many tasks,
how much daily news,
how many memories?
How much daily news,
how much forgetfulness?
Daily news,

My heart beats for you
No matter where I am

4. Mõtsavele mäng

The Forest Brother Game

Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Mari Kalkun

Läbi laanõ lätsi mina, lätsi mina, lätsi mina,
sii-saale, soo-saale, seira!
Läbi laanõ kükakilla,
Läbi suu, samlõsuu,
Kiä sõs mullõ vasta tulli?
Tulli viisi velekeista.

Mehe nigu mõtsapulli
Naasõ nigu nirgikõsõ,
Istsõ ümbre tulõkõsõ,
Sääl nä seivä sokuliha,
Pääle jõiva samblõsuppi,
Sossutiva suuvett,
Magasiva samblõsängün.

Sii-saale, soo-saale…

Mõts näid toida, mõts näid kaidsa,
Mõtsa tsiivä näide üle,
Mõtsan nigu mõtsaeläjä,
Nigu taivatsirgukõsõ

„Tulõ vällä velekene
Küll ma sino kätte saa!„
„Ei ma täämbä tulla saa!“

I went through the forest,
sii-saale- soo-saale- seira!
Through the forest, squatting,
through the bog, through the fen.
Who did I meet on my way?
I met five brothers on my way.

Men as strong as oxen,
women as sharp as needles,
were sitting around the fire,
there they ate deer meat,
they drank moss soup,
they heated bog water,
they slept in moss beds.

Sii-saale, soo-saale…

The forest nurtures them,
the forest protects them,
the wings of the forest cover them,
in the forest like animals,
like the little birds of the sky.

’Come out, brother,
I will surely catch you!’
’No, today I cannot come…’

5. Linnaitk

City Lament

Music: Mari Kalkun & trad. Võromaa

Tütäreni armõeni,
Madaliku marjakõnõ,
Virk ollit sa vett tuuma,
Tark ollit sa tarrõ pühkmä,
Käve sul kuvvõ kos´a,
Nädäli viie viinä,

Mille lätsit sa suurdõ liina
Suurdõ liina kaemahe,
Rikka rahva keskelle,
Jäivä no külä külmäs,
Jäivä no valla vaeses,
Kunnu jäivä kurvalidsõs,
Laanõ jäivä leinälidses,
Imä jäie sul ütsindä.

Dear daughter, my lovely,
my low little berry.
You were good at bringing water
skilled at sweeping the stairs,
six suitors came to see you,
suitor’s vodka every week.

Why did you go to the big city,
to see the big city,
among the rich people?
The villages became cold,
the townships became poor,
the parishes became woeful,
the forests became mournful,
your mother became all alone.

6. Laul kahele

A Song for Two

Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Mari Kalkun

Hüüdjana kesk kõrbe
vahel leian end.
Suur hall mantel
Liivaterad sõrmedel,
lumehelbed laugudel
pudenevad, sulavad –
on ühtaegu kuum ja külm.

Kaks üheta ei saa, üks kaheta ka.
Läheme läbi laane,
hoia mind,
et ma kuuleks selle metsa häält
ja sinu hingamist.

Paneme kätte punased pulmakindad,
Sammume läbi lumise laane.
Siis me ei karda, siis me ei pelga,
Maailma mürinat.
Kõrvus on vaid lumepööriste tants
Tuiskab ja tuiskab ja tuiskab
Vanamees Tuul.

Kaks üheta ei saa, üks kaheta ka,
Läheme läbi laane,
Hoia mind.
Sina oled minu elu laul,
hinge sall – tume ja soe.

At times I find that I am
a voice in the wilderness.
A large, grey cloak
over my shoulders.
The grains of sand on my fingers,
the snowflakes on my eyelids,
they are falling, melting –
it is hot and cold at the same time.

There can be no two without one, nor one without two.
Let us walk through the forest,
hold me,
so I can hear the voice of this forest
and your breathing.

Let us put on red wedding mittens,
let us walk through the snowy forest.
Then we will not fear, we will not be afraid
of the world’s roaring.
Our ears will only hear the dance of the snow’s whirling.
He is drifting and drifting and drifting,
The Old Man Wind.

There can be no two without one, nor one without two.
Let us walk through the forest,
hold me.
You are the song of my life,
a shawl for my soul – dark and warm.

7. Sula


Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Mari Kalkun

Jää, jää, jää, jää!
Sulab üles
Mina ühes
Valge muutub
Mustaks muutub
Kõrge valge
Selge taevas
Tõuseb Sinu
Üle võrsub
Kõrsi jää alt
Kasvab minu
Kaasa siia ilma

Pimedusest, pimedusest,
Välja kasvab kevade,
Pisike kõrreke
Tundub ta küll alguses

Murrab enda
Murrab enda
Murrab enda vabaks jääst

Päevavalgus täidab maa

Muudkui imesta,
Muudkui imesta,

Tuul, tuul, tuul, tuul,
Laul, suul, suul Sul!

Ice, ice, ice, ice!
It’s melting
I am melting with it
the white is turning
into black turning
the high white
clear sky
is rising above
you from
the ice
blades of grass
are sprouting forth
with them
my heart
is growing
into this world.

From within the darkness,
out of the darkness,
spring is growing.
a tiny little stalk
is really all it seems to be
in the beginning.

It breaks
it breaks itself
breaks itself free from the ice.

the blinding
light of day fills the earth.

Just marvel,
just marvel,

The wind, the wind, the wind, the wind,
A song, in mouth, in your mouth.

8. Ööliblikas

The Moth

Music: Mari Kalkun


9. Läbi katsa kalamere

Across the Seven Seas

Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Mari Kalkun

Sjoo midä otsõ
Uut minno kõik aig
Tan kodoväräjen
Uut minno hilläkõist
Uut minno väega tassakõist.

Tull´ kävvü läbi
Säidsme liina,
Ja kävvü läbi,
Katsa kalamere,
Ilma otsani

Ma tiiä Sinno
Läbi ja lahki
Ekä su kurvi
Ekä su kivvi

Mõistke-mõistke, mehed noored,
Teadke-teadke, naised targad,
Mis on meie õue alla?
Meri meie õue alla.
Mis seal mere keske-ella?
Kaev on mere keske-ella.
Mis seal kaevu kalda-alla?
Sammas kaevu kalda-alla.
Mis seal samba otsa-assa?
Sõel on samba otsa-assa.
Mis seal sõela serva pealla?
Kägu sõela serva pealla.

That which I sought,
it was waiting for me all along,
here, at my own gate.
It waited quietly,
it waited still.

I had to go through
seven cities
and journey across
the seven seas
to the world’s end.

I know you
very well.
Every curve of yours.
Every stone of yours.

Riddle me a riddle, young men,
Do you know, do you know, wise women,
what lies beneath our yard?
Beneath our yard is the sea.
What is in the midst of the sea?
In the midst of the sea there is a well.
What is beneath the well?
There is a pillar beneath the well.
What is at the top of the pillar?
There is a sieve at the top of the pillar.
What is at the rim of this sieve?
There is a cuckoo at the rim of the sieve.

10. Tummõhit tsyyrõ

Dark Circles

Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Andreas Kalkun

tummõhit tsõõrõ tege
päiv mu silmä, hõi! sedä ma ammu’ oodi, śood ma
kavva jo kaie, kasos
läbi hahõst iääst ni mu süä ni orashaingi

navesna rõivas templih
kõgõ lõpust om, nigu tõot´, lahenu keskelt poolõst.
putus mu musti silmä-
alotsit kõrd kuum nigu raud palotav tuhast su suu

tervühtet olõ’ õigõ
liha! pitsüs kõrd viil mu suu kinni ja likõ’ kandli-
alotsõ’ kuiu-i ar, paast
koolõta jovva-i, õga kae’, kuiu-i mu ukla uja’!

The sun is making dark circles in my eyes. Ah! This is what I long awaited, this is what I looked for: my heart and the grass really are growing through the grey ice.

The veil of the temple
has finally been torn in two from top to bottom,
as was foretold.
It touches the dark circles beneath my eyes once
hot like iron,
your mouth burning to ashes.

true body! Once again, it squeezes my mouth shut and my wet armpits will not dry. This fast will not be the death of me ̶ and behold, my bloodstream will not run dry.

11. Lumeuni

The Snow’s Sleep

Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Mari Kalkun

Kui saabub talv
Ei ole meilgi pääsu
Maa magab magusas unes
On nagu tardund tema hing

Aga silmalau all
Tukslevad unenäod
Maailm keerleb ja kumab
Keerleb ja kumab aeglastel tuuridel

Meil tuleb saada, meil tuleb saada säravaks valgeks,
Meil tuleb saada, meil tuleb saada puhta lume uneks.

Puu ladvult pudeneb
Mees paneb oma käed
Rinnale risti
Ta paneb oma käed
Ümber koduõue
Viimseks kallistuseks
Ümber koduõue

Ühel päeval ärkad ja näed
See kaev millest lapsena vaatasid alla
Sääl on su enese hääl, on su enese hääl, on su enese silmad
Kaev on saanud pilgeni täis, nii et ajab üle ääre.

Nii nagu jõgi
Nii nagu jõgi, mis kevadel saab vabaks
Vabaks oma sängist
Voolab üle kallaste maailmamerre

Meil tuleb saada, meil tuleb saada säravaks valgeks,
Meil tuleb saada, meil tuleb saada puhta lume uneks.
Me peame saama, me peame saama säravaks valgeks,
Me peame saama, me peame saama puhta lume uneks.

When winter arrives
we have no escape.
The earth sleeps a deep sleep,
it is as if its soul has frozen.

But behind the eyelids
dreams are twitching.
The world spins and shimmers,
spins and shimmers, turning slowly.

We need to become, we need to become glistening white,
we need to become, we need to become
the pure snow’s sleep.

Hoar frost
is falling from the tree tops.
The man folds his arms
across his chest.
He puts his arms
around the yard of his home.
As a last embrace
for the yard of his home.

One day you will wake up and you will see
the well which you used to look down into as a child.
In it is your own voice, your own voice, your own eyes.
The well is brimful, it is overflowing.

Like the river.
Like the river, which becomes free in spring.
Free from its bed
it flows over the shores into the world sea.

We need to become, we need to become glistening white,
we need to become, we need to become the pure snow’s sleep.
We must become, we must become glistening white,
we must become, we must become the pure snow’s sleep

12. Linda, Linda!

Fly, Linda!

Music: Mari Kalkun
Lyrics: Mari Kalkun

Hüppä üles-alla,
Hüppä üles-alla
Sul om täämbä sünnüpäiv.
Hüppä üles-alla,
Hüppä üles-alla
Helläkesel hällüpäiv.

Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda!
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda!

Linda, linda, linda, linda, linda, linda,
linda, linda, linda Sa!

Üts ring sai täüs.

Jump up and down,
jump up and down
It’s your birthday today.
Jump up and down,
jump up and down,
it’s your birthday, sweetie.

Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda!
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda!

Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly
fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, my

Around, around, around,
around, around, around, around.
Full circle.


Marili Jõgi

Moon Management


Worldwide (except Estonia & Japan):

Juliana Volož

JV Promotion


In Estonia:

Marili Jõgi

Moon Management

© Mari Kalkun 2025